Empowering individuals with functional communication.

A speech and language pathologist (SLP) looks at all aspects of communication. These include articulation, auditory processing, receptive and expressive language, and motor coordination.

Speech Therapy

Along with articulation, auditory processing, receptive and expressive language, and motor coordination, Speech Therapy can address feeding concerns related to poor oral motor coordination or sensory processing difficulties that contribute to limited diets. Speech and language therapy at Foundations Therapy takes into account the whole child and is play-based.

While some activities may be practicing skills at a table, many others are tied into functional and fun activities to allow language to be practiced in a motivating fashion. Improving speech and language skills for children allows them to convey their needs, express themselves, and be successful in all environments.


Speech and language pathologists teach a child and their family the many ways we can communicate. 


Communication skills are practiced in a variety of ways, depending on the child.


Speech therapists celebrate the many ways children improve and succeed with speech and peer interactions. 

Speech Therapy May Address:

  • Articulation and the production of sounds for speech.
  • Apraxia
  • Receptive and expressive language
  • Social interactions and understanding non-verbal cues when interacting with others.
  • Feeding interventions, especially for children who often gag, have been intubated or tube fed and are learning to take food orally
  • Swallowing

Our Experts

Susan Roshell
Speech & Language Pathologist
Speech Therapist, Amy Anderson
Amy Anderson
Speech & Language Pathologist